Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Make Your Own Halloween Mummy (part 2 of 2)


Another way of making a mummy will require adult size clothes for a large mummy and child size clothes for a small one. When you have it, lay these on the floor and start stuffing it using newspaper. If you notice, the end result will make your mummy look like a scarecrow.

For the hands of the mummy, get a pair of gloves then attach this to the arm then wrap this up using toilet paper or gauze. If you can spare an old white bed sheet which you can cut into strips, even better.

As for the head, try inflating a balloon or a gallon sized milk jug then put this near the collar of the shirt. Continue wrapping until you are also able to cover the mummy’s face. If you want to put some eyes, use black construction paper then glue this on the face.

While most mummies lie still, you can make your mummy different by letting it sit upright on a chair. One suggestion will be put the chair beside the table where the candies are.

Your life sized mummy will look great wherever you decide to put it. If the tissue, gauze or strips should come off just patch it up as fast as you can.

Although most mummies are color white, you can give it an aged appearance by using some spray paint. The two ideal colors to use for this are translucent beige and brown which you can easily buy from the craft store.

When Halloween is all over, take one last look at the mummy and then take it apart. Some of the stuff you use can be recycled for next year while the rest has to be thrown in the trash.

Now that you know how to make a life sized mummy, you can also use the toilet paper and gauze to create your own Halloween costume. If the two are identical, some people will think that they are talking to you when actually they are talking to a dummy.

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